Blonde Needs Money (1)

When Blonde Needs Money

A blonde decided she wanted to make some extra cash and thought of becoming a handywoman.

She went around a wealthy neighborhood looking for work and knocked on the first door she found.

The homeowner answered and asked what she could do for him.

“Well, you could paint my porch. How much would you charge?” he inquired. The blonde replied confidently, “How about 50 dollars?”

The man agreed and pointed her to the garage for supplies.

However, his wife overheard and whispered, “Does she realize the porch goes around the whole house?”

The man shrugged, “She should, she’s standing on it.”

Later, when the blonde finished, the man was surprised. “You’re done already?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “And I even gave it two coats because I had paint left over.”

Impressed, the man reached for his wallet.

“And by the way,” she added,

“That’s not a porch, it’s a Ferrari.”

Explanation of the Joke:

The humor in this joke comes from the stereotype often associated with blondes being perceived as less intelligent. The twist at the end, where the blonde mistakes a luxury car for a porch, plays on this stereotype. The punchline subverts the expectation of the homeowner, who assumes the blonde knows what a porch is. The irony of the situation adds to the comedic effect. The joke relies on the listener’s understanding of the stereotype and their ability to appreciate the absurdity of the misunderstanding. Did you find the joke amusing? Did the unexpected twist catch you off guard?

Blonde Needs Money (1)