Cold Feets

Women Discussing Their Husbands

Three friends are having tea and chatting about their love lives.

“Isn’t it odd,” remarks Sarah, “how Jeff’s feet are always so chilly when we’re cuddling in bed?”

“That’s so strange, because it’s the same with my Tom!” exclaims Mary.

Curious, they turn to their friend Linda. “What about you, when you’re snuggling up with Steve, are his feet icy too?”

“Yuck! I would never touch his feet!” Linda exclaims.

“You’re missing out,” one friend suggests. “A little foot massage can work wonders for intimacy. You should give it a try!”

Linda agrees to consider it.

The next day, they reconvene for tea, and Linda seems upset.

“What’s the matter?” her friends inquire.

Linda sighs, “Steve and I had a huge fight.”

“Oh no, what happened?” they ask.

“Well, I took your advice and gave him a foot massage. But then, I just mentioned how odd it was that his feet were warm, unlike Jeff’s and Tom’s, which are always so cold!”

Cold Feets