Woman brings home a dog, But apparently he’d rather be human!

Woman brings home a dog, But apparently he’d rather be human!

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live with a furry friend who believes they belongs to your species, Andrea’s story about her beloved dog, Teddy, is sure to delight and intrigue you. Teddy’s journey from being a shelter dog to becoming an integral part of Andrea’s life is nothing short of heartwarming and amusing.


It all started when Andrea, still grieving the loss of her previous canine companion, decided it was time to bring another furry friend into her life. Little did she know, she was about to welcome a dog with a unique twist into her home.

Upon adopting Teddy, Andrea quickly realized that this pup had some peculiar behaviors that set him apart from your typical canine companion. As she fondly recalls in her story, “Teddy doesn’t know he’s a dog; he thinks he’s human.”

One of the first signs that Teddy was a bit different was his preference for human comforts. Instead of curling up on his dog bed, Teddy opted to cozy up in Andrea’s own bed, claiming his spot as a member of the family. From there, Andrea noticed a series of quirky habits that seemed more in line with human behavior than canine instincts.

Unlike most dogs who eagerly chase after balls, Teddy showed little interest in such activities. Instead, he found joy in playing with stuffed animals, affectionately referred to by Andrea as his “babies.” It’s almost as if Teddy had traded in his doggy instincts for a taste of human-like playfulness.

But Teddy’s human-like tendencies didn’t stop there. He had a distinct dislike for certain weather conditions, particularly snow and rain, and would express his displeasure with innocent, yet expressive, eyes. Andrea even went so far as to dress him in pajamas during thunderstorms to help him feel cozy and safe—a gesture that speaks volumes about their bond.

Despite Teddy’s quirks, Andrea’s love for him knows no bounds. Whether it’s giving him belly rubs every morning or showering him with affection, it’s clear that Teddy holds a special place in her heart. And despite the occasional odd looks from strangers when Teddy insists on greeting every human he meets, Andrea wouldn’t have it any other way.

In the end, Teddy may see himself as more human than dog, but to Andrea, he’s simply her beloved companion—a furry friend who brings joy, laughter, and endless love into her life every day.

So, the next time you come across a dog who seems to think they’re human, just remember Teddy’s story—a tale of unconditional love and the beautiful bond between a woman and her furry friend.